jueves, 2 de abril de 2020

7th grade - miss Florencia


Are you feeling a little different from the others? What is normal? are we really inclusive with others? Watch this video from Jordan Reeves,  and then give your opinion about what she say.

Jordan Reeves was born with a disability. But she says her difference doesn’t hold her backit makes her amazing!
When Jordan Reeves was 8 years old, she couldn’t wait to start a new dance class. But as she was warming up, she noticed that some of the kids were staring at her. Was her leotard on backward? Had she spilled something on herself? Nope. The kids were looking at her left arm. It stops above the elbow.
I’ve had to deal with people staring at me my whole life,” Jordan, now 13, explains.
Although Jordan sometimes feels uncomfortable when people stare, she’s proud to be different. And she’s using her difference to inspire other kids with disabilities.
You can do cool thingsjust give it a try,” Jordan says. “You might have to do it differently than other people, but it’s worth trying.”

Tackling Challenges   

Each year, about 2,000 babies in the United States are born with limb differences, like Jordan was. That means they are missing all or part of an arm or a leg. Doctors aren’t sure why this happens.
With only one hand, Jordan can have a tough time doing certain activities, such as tying her shoes. She sometimes uses a prosthetic arm to help her do things like ride her bike.

My opinion:

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