martes, 14 de abril de 2020

7th grade miss Florencia leevel

Hanging with sloths!!

Let's learn about the slowest animals on Earth 
 Sloths are known for their super-slow lifestyle. They spend most of their time hanging upside down in the forest canopy in South and Central America. Sloths eat sleep in this position! Their powerful claws help them grip onto branches as they move slowly through the trees. You can tell the two main typestwo-toed sloths and three-toed slothsby the number of claws on these front paws.
Watch the following video: 
Complete the following sentences after watching the video:
  1. They ....................interesting and weird.......................
  2. ....................are mammals
  3. They live .... the trees
  4. They are from .................. and .........................America
  5. Sloths are famous for ...................... slow. they move very ...............................
  6. They are so slow because they need to save .........................
  7. sloths have very sharp ............................ . They can do a lot of ........................................
  8. They have a very low muscle.....................
  9. They eat ......................
  10. They go to the ground only once a .........................

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