jueves, 16 de abril de 2020

7th grade miss florencia level

Hanging with sloths (part 2)

Enjoy the following video about sloths. Then read the text below and answer the questions.

Scientists think sloths’ extreme slowness helps them survive. The forest is full of predators like jaguars and hawks. But those animals have a hard time spotting sloths in the treetops.
Unfortunately, sloths’ habitat is disappearing. People are cutting down the trees to make room for buildings and roads. On the ground, sloths are often attacked by dogs or run over by cars. “Sloths now face a lot of new dangers because of humans,” says Sam Trull. She’s the founder of the Sloth Institute, an organization that rescues sloths that have been affected by deforestation. It’s Trull’s mission to keep these slowpokes safe.
Trull moved to Costa Rica in 2007 to study primates like monkeys. Instead, she fell in love with sloths. Many of the sloths at the Sloth Institute have been badly hurt. Some have fallen from trees. Others have been injured by electric wires or attacked by animals.  
 Trull’s team is helping sloths in other ways too. Where there are gaps in the canopy, workers are using ropes to connect the trees. Sloths can climb this “sloth speedway” to stay safely away from dangers on the ground.
Read and answer:
  1. Which are sloths predators?
  2. Why are their habitats dissapearing? 
  3. Who is Sam Trulls?
  4. What does Sloth Institute do?
  5. Where are they working now?
  6. What did they do to put the sloths away from dangers on the ground?

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