martes, 2 de junio de 2020

Ingles 6to (Cynthia)

Hello kids!!!

Revision Unit 1

Exercise 1: Read the text and tick.( Lee el texto y marca los programas correctos.)

Hi, there! My name is Rita. In my free time, I watch TV or go to the cinema with my friends. When I am at home, I always watch comedies. I like American comedies mainly. When I watch TV with my mum, we always watch series. We love detective series. There is one especially in which the detective is a young boy. He is so cute! I never watch sports programmes. I am not a sporty girl, you know. When I go to the cinema, I usually watch animated films. My favourite is ‘Toy Story’. I also like watching horror films. My friends and I scream a lot. Then I can’t sleep at night. 

Exercise 2: Escribe las palabras de las preguntas en orden y luego responde sobre vos.

Exercise 3: Lee el texto y responde las preguntas.

Exercise 4: Completa el texto con algunas de las palabras del cuadro.

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