miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

more about lovely koalas!!!!

More about lovely Koalas!

   2.  Listening. Watch and listen to the video as much as you need.   Then choose the correct option:

·       Koalas are
a)    Mammals
b)    Birds
c)     Reptiles
·       Koalas ‘mothers take care of their babies
a)    For the first 2 years
b)    For a few months.
c)     Until they are 5
·       They are from:
a)    Asia
b)    Australia
c)     Africa
·       Koalas are:
a)    Carnivores
b)    Omnivores
c)     Herbivores

1.   Watch and listen to the video again and complete the following text:
Baby koalas collect their food by themselves. They hang on their mother‘s back or ………………. until they are one year old.
They collect ……………….. from the trees. Trees are both food and a ………………….. for them. They rarely come to the ground to drink. They get ……………. from the leaves they eat.
Koalas spend almost all their time in the tree tops, eating or ……………………. . Koalas usually sleep between 18 and 22 hours a day.
They are in trouble because they need about 100 trees per koala to have enough ……………. to eat. As the forests they live in are cut down by ……………………, koalas have fewer and fewer places to live. We need to …………………… their habitats so they have enough trees to go home!!!        

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