miércoles, 8 de julio de 2020

Ingles 5to (Cynthia)

Hello children!!!!

Today we are going to work SIMPLE PRESENT.

Forming the simple present tense: to play

I play.Do I play?I do not play.
You play.Do you play?You do not play.
He plays.Does he play?He does not play.
She plays.Does she play?She does not play.
It plays.Does it play?It does not play.
We play.Do we play?We do not play.
They play.Do they play?They do not play.
  • In the third person singular the verb always ends in -s:
    he wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks.
  • Negative and question forms use DOES (= the third person of the auxiliary 'DO') + the infinitive of the verb.
    He wants ice cream. Does he want strawberry? He does not want vanilla.
  • En la tercera persona del singular (HE-SHE-IT) el verbo SIEMPRE LLEVA S, en oraciones afirmativas.
  • En negativo e interrogativo usamos DOES y el verbo vuelve a estar sin S. (Miramos los ejemplo del cuadro)
    • He goes to school every morning.
    • She understands English.
    • It mixes the sand and the water.
    • He tries very hard.
    • She enjoys playing the piano.

Exercise 1: Write the verb into the correct form. Escribe el verbo en la forma correcta. AFIRMATIVE FORM.

1. I usually  (go) to school.
2. They  (visit) us often.
3. You  (play) basketball once a week.
4. Tom  (work) every day.
5. She never  (help) me with that!
6. Martha and Kevin  (swim) twice a week.
7. In this club people usually  (dance) a lot.
8. We  (live) in the city most of the year.
9. Lorie  (travel) to Paris every Sunday.
10. You always  (teach) me new things.

Exercise 2: Write the verb into the correct form. Escribe el verbo en la forma correcta. INTERROGATIVE FORM!!!!

1.  (he wake up) at five in the morning?
2.  (you go) to work by train?
3.  (she drink) coffee every morning?
4.  (he smoke)?
5.  (it hurt)?
6.  (we dance)?
7.  (they travel)?
8.  (Emma cook) well?
9.  (Alexander exercise) regularly?
10.  (you look) well?

Exercise 3: Write the verb into the correct form. Escribe el verbo en la forma correcta. NEGATIVE FORM!!!!

1. I  (not ride) horses.
2. You  (not drive) cars.
3. She  (not take) pictures.
4. It  (not cost) so much.
5. They  (not like) salad.
6. Michael  (not dance).
7. Michel  (not run) fast.
8. Tim and Kate  (not work) every day.
9. Lucas and Clara  (not eat) meat.
10. I  (not swim) much.

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