jueves, 8 de octubre de 2020

7th grade para todos los niveles


Watch the video againvideo

Simple Present . Pra recordar. cuando contamos algo en presente simple en tercera persona del singular ( she-he-it), le agregamos una "s" al verbo. Y si quiero negar, en vez de "don't", uso "doesn't"

Complete with the verbs in Simple Present:

Red riding hood ............  ( go) to see her grandmother

She .....................(find) a wolf at grandmother´s home.

The wolf ...............(want) to eat her

She ...........................( not get) scared

She ........................(like) the wolf coat

She .....................(shoot) the gun she has hidden

She .................... (look) happy with her new furry coat!!!:

Play this game again:


Answer: Did you like this version of the classic tale? Why?

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